Questions about Abstract Submissions?​
If you are uncertain about the abstract submission process, please email and he will assist to the best of his ability.
Upon submission, you will get an automatic email notification of receipt.
Multiple abstract submissions are welcome.

**There are Three Options for Abstract Submissions**
(1) Research, (2) Panel or (3) Demonstration
University student abstracts are most welcome.
Submit Research Abstracts Here​
Eligibility: Presentation options for selected abstracts will be either a short (12 to 20 min) oral presentation or a poster. All researchers including practitioners, clinicians, university faculty, graduate & undergraduate students, or others engaged in One Health or Environmental Health-related research are encouraged to submit abstracts. Students are eligible for competitions.
Format: Abstract submissions are welcome for consideration before 15 August 2023. Abstracts of 250 words or less should be submitted by the deadline of 15 August 2023 (23:59 EDT). Abstracts ought include a brief statement of Aim(s), Methods, Results and Conclusions. Abstracts with vague statements that results will be presented are discouraged. However, new or ongoing research with incomplete data analysis accompanied with some basic/preliminary data will be given consideration. At submission, presentation options (oral, poster, either) are requested. SUBMIT Research Abstract HERE.
Eligibility: Panels may include three to eight panelists for sessions lasting 30 to 120 minutes. Topics for consideration include (1) Panel abstracts highlighting successful linkages or problem solving between non-environmental health and environmental health professionals working in One Health areas of expertise are encouraged. (2) Panel abstracts focusing on areas for improvement in inter-professional training and/education are most welcome. (3) Panel abstracts highlighting successes and challenges in the university-setting for promoting and growing One Health and Environmental Public Health programs are also welcome. (4) Other panel ideas aligning with the conference theme may be submitted for consideration.
Format: The 500-word or less submission should at a minimum describe the theme, list the planned contributions, and describe expected outcomes for session attendees. SUBMIT HERE by 15 August 2023 for Panel Abstract Consideration.
Submit Demonstration Abstracts Here
Eligibility: Do you have a successful product for addressing an environmental public health or One Health challenge? Do you have technology for tracking environmental- or animal-related disease, or characterizing environmental exposure?​ Do you have an innovative program or product that can help reduce/prevent vectorborne, zoonotic, waterborne, environmental, foodborne, or occupational disease? If so, please submit an abstract.
Format: Abstracts of 250 words or less should be submitted by 15 August 2023 for priority consideration. The abstract should include information on who will benefit from the presentation and why they should benefit. Additional details that will help abstract reviewers understand how the presentation will benefit the conference attendees are encouraged. presentation.